The latest video news of the mission activity of each church.
Arlington Chinese Church
Arlington Chinese Church
Arlington Chinese Church Mid U.S. STM 2024
27 Oct 2024
Mission Report & Message
Report: Philippines Missino Team Member
Message: Senior Pastor Alan
27 Nov 2016
Commissioning Service
The commissioning service for our Philippines mission team was on Sunday, Oct. 30, 2016
30 OCT 2016
Philippines Mission Trip 2015
The primary focus of this trip was to share the Gospel message in farming villages in Nueva Ecija.
14-24 Nov 2015
Rediscovery of our very first love
Renewed passion for His Word and global mission.
01 May 2016
Panama Mission Trip 2015
While people waited to see the doctors,
our team shared the Gospel with them.
12-21 June 2015
Children Youth Senior Ministry
The latest video news of the mission activity of each church.
Preschool Sunday Worship
Perschool Sunday order of Service
@8:30;11AM MBP Children
13 Nov 2016
The latest video news of the mission activity of each church.
The latest video news of the mission activity of each church.
Bible Study
The latest video news of the mission activity of each church.
Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study
Name: Ladies Bible Study
Time: 9:00-11:00am Every Tuesday
10 FEB 2016
MBC Sunday School(B)
Name: Japanes Language Sunday School
Time: 8:45-9:45am Every Sunday
10 FEB 2016
Young Adult/College Bible Study
Sep 18, 2016 Start@9.45am
new study entirled"Chase The Goose"
18 SEP 2016
Communion service
The latest video news of the mission activity of each church.
The latest video news of the mission activity of each church.
Gosple Hula
The latest video news of the mission activity of each church.
The latest video news of the mission activity of each church.