
一月 Jan. 第一次以 “南灣基督教會” 名稱開始主日崇拜. First worship service held as “South Bay Church of Christ”.
三月Mar. 使用在華特利亞區神召會場地開 始聚會. Worship services started using facilities at the Assembly of God Church in Walteria area.
四月Apr. 復活節第一次浸禮. First Baptismal Service conducted on Easter Sunday.
七月July 教會英文名稱改為 “Chinese Community Church of South Bay”. Name of church changed to Chinese Community Church of South Bay.
九月Sept. 聚會地點遷至卡森路托倫斯第一浸信 會, 當時第一屆執事為: 陳定國, 藍光 熙, 沈懷俊, Peter Wong 及Robert Wong. Church moved to Torrance First Baptist Church, Torrance on Carson Street. Directors were: Alfred Chan, Timothy Lan, Ronald Sun, Peter Wong and Robert Wong.
十月Oct. 教會中文名稱改為 “中華基督教會”. Chinese name of church changed to “中華基督教 會”.
一九八三年, 1983
九月Sept. 汪活泉牧師擔任第一任牧師. Rev. Herman Wang joined the Church as first pastor and served for nine months while attending Talbot Seminary.
一九八四年, 1984
六月June 開始週五晚上查經禱告會. Friday night Bible study and prayer meeting started.
七月July 與靈糧堂合辦夏令會在聖塔 巴巴拉衛斯蒙大學舉行. Joint Summer Family Conference with Bread of Life Church at Westmont College, Santa Barbara took place.
十月Oct. 第一屆差傳年會主題是「基督徒大使命」. First Annual Mission Conference “Christians’ Great Commission”was held. 沈喬治是第一位從福樂神學院來本教會的見習神學生, 並協助青少年工作. George Shen started to help with Youth Group as our church’s first intern from Fuller Seminary. 沈保羅牧師, 師母由灣區每週來帶領查 經和主日崇拜. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Shen commuted from Bay area to lead Bible study and preach at Sunday worship.
一九八五年, 1985
七月July 第一屆全教會家庭退修會主題「國度與人才」 由林道亮牧師領會. First All Church Family Summer Conference at University of San Diego was held. Theme: "Kingdom and Personnel" by Dr. Timothy Lin.
九月Sept. 第二屆差傳年會主題. 「莊稼已熟了」. Second Annual Mission Conference "The Harvest is Ripe" was held. 青少年團契第一次舉辦露 營活動在聖安福海灘. First Youth Breakaway Weekend Camping took place at San Onfore State Beach.
十月Oct. 沈保羅牧師, 師母由灣區遷至南灣來幫助本教會. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Shen came out of retirement and moved to the South Bay area to help with the church.
十一月Nov. 為教會拿邦路上現址購地特別禱告. Dedication prayer held at present Narbonne site.
十二月Dec. 拿邦路教會現址正式售予本教會. Property at 25420/25422 Narbonne Ave. was sold to CCCSB.
一九八六年, 1986
二月Feb. 第一屆嬰兒奉獻禮 - Alicia (John and Ellen Chang), Jason (陳約翰, 王曉黎夫婦), 其 恩 (錢致賢, 楊婉珠夫婦), Steven (Peter and Sue Lee), Joshua (Chi-Min and Shirley Lin), Elizabeth (Jerry and Priscilla Low) and Eric (馬紹仁, 田士瑜夫婦). First Baby Dedication Ceremony conducted – Alicia (John and Ellen Chang), Jason (John and Shao-Li Chen), Chi-En (Chih-Hsien and Wan-Ju Chien), Steven (Peter and Sue Lee), Joshua (Chi-Min and Shirley Lin), Elizabeth (Jerry and Priscilla Low) and Eric (Jerry and Eva Mah). 第一屆青少年退修會於大熊湖舉行主題 是 “來,看”. First Youth Winter Retreat "Come and See" at Big Bear City took place.
三月Mar. 第一次在教會現址場地舉行復活節晨曦 禮拜. First Sunrise Service conducted at Narbonne Ave. at the church lot.
一九八七年, 1987
三月Mar. 教會為建堂籌款舉辦義賣會. Church Rummage Sale held to raise money for Building Fund.
十月Oct. 教會會員大會通過新會章. Church by laws adopted.
十二月Dec. 第二次建堂義賣會. Second Rummage Sale held for Building Fund.
一九八八年, 1988
四月 Apr. 第一屆執事會 -- 左同文, Roland Lau, 沈懷俊, 馬紹仁, 陳令舆張步光. First Board of Deacons elected - Tom Tso, Roland Lau, Ronald Sun, Jerry Mah, Philip Chen and PK Chang.
六月 June 沈喬治返回本教會成為全職傳道. George Shen returned to CCCSB as a full time minister.
一九八九年, 1989
十月Oct. Lomita 市批准建築許可證. Building permit approval obtained from the City of Lomita. 教會破土典禮. Groundbreaking Ceremony held for new church building at Narbonne Ave. site.
一九九零年, 1990
三月Mar. 沈保羅牧師, 師母退休, 舉行歡送
Rev. and Mrs. Shen retired. A
farewell party was thrown for Rev.
and Mrs. Shen.
Dr. Che Bin Tan became interim
pastor .
在新會址舉行第一次主日 崇拜. First Sunday Worship was held at new church building on Narbonne Ave.
馬田士瑜姊妹擔 任半職教會秘書. Eva Mah joined the church office as a part-time church clerk.
一九九一年, 1991
一月Jan. 陳濟民博士應邀成為本堂主任牧師. Dr. Che Bin Tan accepted the post as the Senior Pastor of the church.
二月Feb. 新會堂獻堂禮. Narbonne Ave. Church Building Dedication was held.
三月Mar. 正式開始家庭團契. Home Fellowship groups started.
六月 June 陳濟民博士按牧典禮. Ordination of Dr. Che Bin Tan conducted.
八月Aug. 第一次差派海外短宣隊赴中美洲百利士. First Overseas Short Term Mission team was sent to Belize, Central America.
十二月Dec. 教會會員大會通過會章修改. By-law revision approved. 成立“好消息團契”兒童事工, 由 兒童福音團契Mrs. Carol Bury 帶 領, 直至2007 年正式退休. Started Good News Club at CCCSB. Led by Mrs. Carol Bury, Child Evangelism Fellowship until 2007 when they officially retired.
一九九二年, 1992
九月Sept. 家庭團契重新改組. Reorganized new home fellowship groups. 開始San Pedro 拘留所事工 San Pedro Detention Center Ministry started. 海外短宣隊赴中美洲百利士. Short Term Mission to Belize sent.
十月Oct. 兒童事工第一次舉辦十月三十一日的嘉年華會, 以後成為一年一度的兒童遊戲活動之夜. Children Ministry hosted the first Carnival Night on October 31st, later on became our Annual Children’s Games Night.
一九九三年, 1993
四月April 慶祝教會成立十五週年. Fifteenth Anniversary Celebration was held.
一一九九四年, 1994
八月Aug. 第一次青少年露營在 Cabrillo 青少年海濱活動中心舉辦. First Cabrillo Youth Camping held at the Cabrillo Youth Waterfront Center.
九月Sept. 劉少平牧師一家從馬來西亞遷來擔任主任牧師(一直 到一九九九年六月). Rev. Sow- Pheng Liew accepted the Senior Pastor post and moved with his family to the U.S. from Malaysia (until June 30, 1999).
一九九五年, 1995
五月May 參與 在Lomita 舉行的 “為耶穌行軍”活動. Church participated in “March for Jesus” in Lomita.
六月July 短宣隊赴中美洲百利士. Short Term Mission to Belize took place.
一九九六年, 1996
一月Jan. 開始第一次英文堂崇拜(每月第四個主日). First English Worship service started (4th Sunday of the month only).
四月Apr. 短宣隊赴墨西哥. Short Term Mission team went to Mexico with Rick Johnson to help locals built church building. 短宣隊赴泰北/緬甸. Short Term Mission team sent to North Thailand/Myanmar.
五月May 王雅惠傳道擔任兒童事工部主任. Pastor Yea-Hui Wang became Director of Children Ministry.
六月June 南灣學園兒童中心成立, 王雅惠 傳道擔任主任 South Bay Children Place started. Pastor Yea-Hui Wang appointed Director of South Bay Children Place.
七月July 兒童事工舉辦第一次 “暑期聖 經學校”. First Vacation Bible School is hosted by the Children Ministry.
一九九七年, 1997
一月Jan. 開始兩堂主日崇拜, 中文堂早上十點,英文堂十一點半; 每月第一主日中英文. 聯 合聚會. Separate worship for Chinese and English congregation began; Chinese at 10:00 a.m. and English at 11:30 a.m. A joint worship was conducted the first Sunday of every month. 小組事工取代家庭團契. Small Group Ministry replaced the Home Fellowship groups.
四月Apr. 短宣赴非洲肯亞. Short Term Mission team went to Kenya, Africa.
一九九八年, 1998
一月Jan. Hoover Wong 牧師協助英語事工, 講道及裝備訓練 (到九九年三 月止). Rev. Hoover Wong assisted the English Ministry with preaching and equipping (till March 1999).
二月Feb. 第一屆青少年福音營在Big Rock Creek Ranch 舉行. First Youth Gospel Camp at Big Rock Creek Ranch took place.
十一月Nov. 參與 “Operation Christmas Child” 活動, 贈送聖誕禮物給世界各地需要的兒童. Church participated in Operation Christmas Child.
一九九九年, 1999
二月Feb. 第一次赴以色列短宣隊. First Short Term Mission team went to Israel. 18
四月Apr. Gregory Mark 牧師擔任第一任英文事工牧師(至二零零一 年七月) Pastor Gregory Mark joined as the first official English Pastor (until July 2001).
六月June 成立Nashim 姊妹禱告小組. Nashim Sisters Prayer Group, a new small group for sisters only, was established.
七月July 劉少平牧師辭職加入 EPI 成為全時間宣 教士. Rev. Sow- Pheng Liew resigned from CCCSB to join EPI for full-time mission work.
二零零零年, 2000
一月Jan. 短宣隊第二次赴以色列. Second Short Term Mission team was sent to Israel.
三月Mar. 張世衡牧師擔任主任牧師. Rev. Samuel Chang accepted the post as the Senior Pastor of the church.
十二月Dec. 教會資助九位大學生參加Urbana 2000 宣教大會. Urbana 2000: The church sponsored nine young adults/college students for the Urbana Mission Conference.
二零零一年, 2001
四月Apr. 短宣隊第三次赴以色列. Third Short Term Mission team sent to Israel.
二零零三年, 2003
一月Jan. 教會慶祝二十五週年. The church celebrated 25th Anniversary. 短宣隊赴泰北. Short Term Mission team was sent to North Thailand.
十一月Nov. 重組英文小組, 成立 “盼望” 小組. English Small Group, Hope Group reestablished. 為青少年福音營募款活動. “Command performance” fundraising event for the Youth Gospel Camp took place.
二零零四年, 2004
七月July 劉少平牧師應邀擔任義務顧問牧師. Rev. Sow-Pheng Liew accepted invitation as a voluntary consulting pastor until end of 2004.
二零零五年, 2005
四月Apr. 張德泉牧師接受主任牧師職位. Rev. Clifford Chang accepted position as the Senior Pastor.
五月May 陳佳美傳道擔任義務崇拜/音樂傳道至二零零六年全 時間在華僑福音廣播中心服事. Pastor Esther Chen agreed to stay on as volunteer Minister of Music/Worship till 2006 while serving full time at CGBC.
七月July 短宣隊赴中美牙買加. Short Term Mission team went to Jamaica.
二零零七年, 2007
九月Sept. 新的教會網頁完成, 網址為 http: //www.cccsb.com/. New church website is completed, web site is: http: //www.cccsb.com/
二零零八年, 2008
二月Feb. 講台錄音開始放在教會網頁上可供下載. Started posting Sunday sermons from both Chinese and English Worship on the church website; for listening and downloading.
二零零九年, 2009
二零一零年, 2010
二零一一年, 2011
九月Sept. 聖地牙哥退休會。2011 Summer Church Retreat